Greater Lengths Compilation

This compilation features original works of All Saints’ core artists including Brian Eno, Jon Hassell and John Cale as well as recent reinterpretations. The first half being titled ‘Originals’, the compositions introduce the label as the versatile experimental ambient imprint it is. Founded by Dominic-Norman-Taylor in London in 1992, All Saints Records has since focused on keeping these aesthetics alive. Roger Eno’s a capella choirs juxtapose Laraaji’s celestial guitar based sound collages and Jon Hassell’s dissonant funk pop experiments.

The second half expands the label’s ideas with reinterpretations by a younger generation of artists with a similar mindset. patten furnishes Harold Budd’s ‘Mandan’ with his signature evolving beat sound. Bandshell dress Jon Hassell’s ‘Inversion’ in a coat of beautiful distortion.

Artist: Various
Album: Greater Lengths

Label: All Saints Records

Role: Designer and Art Director

2 X CD Expanded Digipack
4 X Vinyl EP